King George Avenue, Roanoke, Virginia

"We're moving and forgot to take listing photos while the room still looked pretty. I hope buyers can see the potential around the moving boxes."

Why yes, I think they can:


The dining room with pretty potential is in a 1917 house in Roanoke, Virginia. More specifically, it's in the stately Old Southwest neighborhood on an avenue named for a land grant given by King George III of England. You know, The Madness of King George? That guy. 

This Old House has named it among the Best Old House neighborhoods twice, saying:
 In recent years, as downtown Roanoke has been revitalized, so too has Old Southwest, which appeals to newcomers who appreciate well-crafted houses with expansive porches and classic columns. Its location in the Blue Ridge Mountains makes it a destination for outdoor enthusiasts too. Among the best for: The SouthBargainsVictoriansFixer-UppersFirst-Time BuyersWalkabilityLots to DoParks and RecreationWaterfront.

As for the inspiration picture, it's among the best for: Old Pine Tables,  Perfect Accessorizing, and Gleaming White Floors.

The listing is here.


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